Darkling Windows Media Player Skin Free Download
Windows Media Player Skin Download Free
This a screenshot of my desktop at the moment, using talisman 2 as a desktop shell - the picture was taken from a screenshot of 'darkling' a windows media player party mode skin. Its been cut pasted, mirrored etc. To give me a complete picture. The iris' are all shut until hovered over, then they open up to reveal links to various desktop apps -games folder - psp 8.0, email etc.under the iris' are green glass orbs seemed to look good:S ).
Feb 28, 2004 - This a screenshot of my desktop at the moment, using talisman 2 as a desktop shell - the picture was taken from a screenshot of 'darkling' a windows media player party mode skin. Its been cut pasted, mirrored etc. To give me a complete picture. The iris' are all shut until hovered over, then they open up to. Heres my darkling skin i made ages ago for my vga hp 5550 it works from wm3 and up. You may recognize it. Its mce's party mode skin. Attached Thumbnails. Click image for larger version Name: darkling.jpg Views: 452 Size: 12.3. Attached Files.
Windows Media Player Skin Alienware
Anyway hope to have it finished soon, but any ideas would be nice - thx.